Case Study: Navy Football Social 2020

Creative direction, graphic design, motion design
Project Overview
The Navy Blue and Gold is the Alma Matter for the United States Naval Academy. It's sung after every football game, win or loss, and is a core part of this program. In 2020. My goal was to make sure that rung true in every graphic we put out. Navy is a program that prides itself on attention to detail, efficiency, and unity. My goal was to communicate that in a visual brand that was consistent, unique, and purposeful. Most graphics feature a blue background and a gold overlay. This also matches a steady type treatment and logo lock-up.
My Contributions
  • Create and Maintain Visual Style
  • Collaborate on Key Deliverables
  • Use existing design assets to create a unique style
  • Manage Multiple Projects
  • Plan and Execute Social Media strategy around the 2020 Navy Football Season

Each of these graphics was crafted to be sharable to multiple platforms. One of the biggest challenges we faced in developing this identity was being able to be flexible. We needed to quickly convey Navy's brand to recruits and fans that are scrolling in their feed. Many football teams have the same colors, or put out graphics that have the same information as our team did, but we needed to be unique.

Having a player get drafted from Navy is a rarity due to the unique circumstance of playing football at a service academy. Malcolm Perry was the first Navy Football player drafted since Keenan Reynolds in 2016. We also had a few other players who got a look from NFL scouts. We wanted to create content to help build their brand leading up to the draft and capitalize on the opportunity to show recruits that they can get an opportunity at the next level.

One of the core things I wanted to do was create an in-game score graphic that gave our social media followers the feel of the game. While keeping the same textures, elements, and type treatment in our social graphics, I wanted to push those elements in a different direction. This graphic allowed our photos to take center stage to keep the focus of the graphics on the action. The secondary element, the score of the game, is highlighted by gold type that pops on a blue backdrop. I also wanted to make sure these graphics featured the logos of our corporate sponsors in a way that felt natural.  

The "Get 6" tracker was a new graphic this season. Brian Newberry, Navy's Defensive Coordinator, has a "Get 6" philosophy. If Navy can get a combination of six Three-And-Outs, Fourth Down Stops, or Turnovers, that means our win percentage is in the 90th percentile. In 2020 we began to track that on our social media so fans and recruits could follow along.


A total refresh of the Navy Football social media to fit the new 2020 football season.

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